世界杯100进球 世界杯进球总数排行榜

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1. Miroslav Klose(德国)

Miroslav Klose在2002年,2006年,2010年和2014年的四次参加世界杯比赛中总共打入16个进球。他是历史上获得世界杯金靴奖的唯一球员之一,并被视为德国历史上最好的球员之一。他的头球得分能力强,并且在比赛中表现极有商业价值。

2. Ronaldo(巴西)


3. Gerd Muller(德国)

Gerd Muller在1970年和1974年的两次世界杯中打进14个进球。他是德国历史上最好的前锋之一,也是世界上最出色的射手之一。他在比赛中展现出了出色的技术和致命的射门能力。



1. Miroslav Klose(德国)

Miroslav Klose not only holds the record for most goals in a single World Cup tournament with 16 but he is also the all-time leading scorer in World Cup history. In total, Klose scored 16 goals across four World Cup appearances for Germany. During his career, Klose was known for his deft finishing and aerial ability.

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2. Ronaldo(巴西)

Ronaldo is widely regarded as one of the greatest players in history and he will be remembered for his many accomplishments during his career, including his impressive World Cup record. In total, Ronaldo scored 14 goals across three World Cup tournaments - 1998, 2002 and 2006.

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3. Gerd Muller(德国)

Famous for his clinical finishing, Gerd Muller scored 14 goals in just two World Cup tournaments - 1970 and 1974. Muller's World Cup performances helped lead West Germany to two successive finals, winning the tournament on home soil in 1974. His ability to score crucial goals in high pressure situations makes him a true legend of the game.



标签: 世界
