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一、概述 随着人们对手机功能和性能要求的不断提升,各种型号的手机层出不穷。其中乐视手机也因其价格亲民、性价比高广受用户青睐。然而在日常使用中,乐视手机也难免会出现一些问题,比如闪退、死机等等,此时如果手动下拉升级无法解决问题,那么线刷就是一种可行的办法了。 二、线刷具体步骤 1.准备工作: (1)下载乐视手机官网最新的ROM包并解压,得到升级包文件; (2)usb数据线; (3)手机充足的电量; (4)电脑安装驱动程序。 2. 进入Recovery模式: (1)关闭手机,按住音量键下和开关键,直至手机开机,松开开关键,手机会进入刷机模式; (2)找到“Wipe data/factory reset”和“Wipe cache partition”选项,并进行清理工作用户数据和缓存分区; (3)回到Recovery主界面,选择“Install ZIP”选项,然后选择刚才解压得到的升级包文件。 3. 安装完成: (1)等待升级包安装完成,时间根据升级包的大小而定,不要中途断开usb连接; (2)线刷完成后,选择“Reboot system…”选项,即可重启手机。 三、注意事项 1. 选择合适的ROM包 在进入线刷模式之前,要务必选择适合你手机型号的ROM包,如果不确定可以选择安卓之家或者乐视官网查看ROM包对应的机型,选择错误的ROM包将会导致手机变砖。 2. 注意备份 在线刷之前要先做好备份,包括短信、联系人、应用等等,以免在刷机过程中造成数据丢失。 3. 平稳升级 在线刷过程中切勿拔掉usb连接线,以免造成升级失败或者引起意外情况。 Wire brushing is one of the solutions when encountering issues with smartphones like the phone hangs or restarts itself. LeTV phones are known and loved for its low price and high cost performance. However, in daily use, It is also prone to problems like sudden crashes, reboots, etc. If manual updates don't help to solve these problems, then wire brushing is a feasible method to consider. The following is a step-by-step guide on how to wire brush LeTV phones. There are a few steps that you need to do to prepare for wire brushing. Firstly, download the latest ROM package from the LeTV Phone official website and unzip it, obtaining the upgrade package file. Next, you'll need a USB data cable, and ensure that your phone has enough power to complete the process. Lastly, install the driver software on your computer. After the preparation, you can proceed to enter the Recovery mode. In Recovery mode, choose the option of ‘Wipe data/factory reset’ and ‘Wipe cache partition' and clear cache and user data partition. Afterward, go back to the Recovery interface and select the ‘Install ZIP’ option, and choose the upgrade package file that you just unzipped. After the installation is completed, wait until the package file is installed successfully. The time required depends on the size of the upgrade package, but do not disconnect the USB connection during the process. Finally, reboot your phone by choosing the "Reboot system..." option in the Recovery main interface. Before the wire brushing process, make sure that you have selected the appropriate ROM package for your phone model as choosing the wrong ROM package will result in a brick phone. Moreover, backup your data (sms, contacts, apps, etc.) beforehand to avoid losing data. Also, make sure to maintain a stable connection during the process to avoid interruption of the wire brushing process.


标签: 乐视
